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So, what are peptides? Peptides are smaller versions of protein. They may provide pro-aging support, anti-inflammatory, or muscle-building properties. People may confuse peptides with proteins. Both proteins and peptides are made up of amino acids, but peptides contain far fewer amino acids than protein. Like proteins, peptides are naturally present in foods. Peptides reproduce what the body already knows to do through its signaling, neurotransmitters, hormones, and enzymes, making them complementary protocols to a healthy lifestyle. Think of it this way; our cells are intelligent; we are just giving them the ability to show their intelligence.

Simply put, peptides are a string of amino acids, which can then bind together to form a protein.

Some of the most popular peptides include collagen peptides for anti-aging and skin healthy, and creatine peptide supplements for building muscle and enhancing athletic performance.

Reasons for Weight Gain

Eating excessive sugar and carbs increases your blood sugar levels. It triggers the pancreas to subsequently release insulin, which in turn switches on the transportation of glucose into cells, particularly the liver and muscle cells. Your body keeps storing excess sugar as fat, and if your diet is carbohydrate-dominant, it becomes difficult for the body to burn fat and more likely to hang on to it.

Another potential reason for weight gain is the progressive decline of endogenous growth hormone by 15% for every decade of adult life. The growth hormone’s role is vast in that it is directly correlated with healthy metabolism, lower levels of fat accumulation, heart health, exercise capacity, maintenance of muscle, as well as cognitive function. The decline of growth hormone results in reduced production of insulin-like growth factor, which typically works in tandem to manage and modulate our fat, protein and glucose metabolism. However, decreases in both show increased abdominal and visceral adiposity, which is not exactly ideal if you have specific physique goals.

Genetics, lifestyle, age, and environment all play a role in one’s growth hormone secretion. Natural stimulators of growth hormone include decreased blood glucose, fasting, protein deficiency, decreased free fatty acids, trauma, stress, excitement, and exercise.

Thankfully some peptides help our body upregulate human growth hormone production, helping sustain or correct our metabolic health. Reminder there is no “magic pill” and no “magic peptide” however used in combination with diet, exercise and simple lifestyle modifications, a lot is possible.


AOD-9604 (Advanced Obesity Drug0 is a synthetic peptide fragment that comprises a modified 15 aminoacidic region of GH with a tyrosine component to help stabilize the molecule. It was originally developed by Professor Frank Ng at Monash University in Australia, with the intent of finding an anti-obesity drug that had the fat burning effects of human growth hormone (HGH) without the muscle-building effect. Similar to GH, AOD-9604 aids weight reduction in rodent models of obesity and was originally developed for the treatment of obesity in humans. Additionally, it does not stimulate the production of IGF-1, has positive effects on the differentiation of adipose mesenchymal stem cells into bone, and was found to promote proteoglycan and collagen production in isolated bovine chondrocytes in an in vitro study. Its positive effects include promoting the repair of bone and cartilage in cases of OA.

Benefits May Include:

Promotes lipolysis without effecting blood sugar or tissue growth

Prompts fat release from obese fat cells

Prevents lipogenesis (fat accumulation)

Boosts the body’s metabolism

Less appetite stimulation

Treatment in osteoarthritis, hypercholesterolemia, bone and cartilage repair-results favored when combined with BPC-157


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