500 coolsculpting holiday gift cards

500 coolsculpting holiday gift cards


Want to reduce unwanted fat with no surgery and no downtime? Try Coolsculpting

What is Coolsculpting 

 Coolsculpting is the #1 non-invasive fat reduction treatment in the world that freezes and eliminates unwanted fat cells permanently and safely!  


Are You a Coolsculpting Candidate?  

Have you been logging time in the gym and eating a healthy diet, yet still cannot shake unwanted fat from places like your love handles, belly thighs, and arms? If yes, then Coolsculpting might be the option for you. Coolsculpting is a procedure that uses Cryolipolysis to freeze fat cells, which destroys them so that your body can then flush them out. This can help you see a fat reduction of 20-25% in key areas. It is a non-invasive, FDA-approved procedure that can be a dream come true for the right candidates. 


What makes a suitable candidate for this fat-blasting procedure?  

Coolsculpting treats “subcutaneous” fat, which is fat right beneath the skin. It is soft, pliable fat that you can pull away from your body and pinch (if we can squeeze it, we can freeze it!).


The best areas for Coolsculpting treatment include: 

  • Inner thighs 
  • Outer thighs 
  • Abdomen 
  • Waist 
  • Love handles 
  • Flanks
  • Upper back & Bra-Line Fat
  • Arms 
  • Chin 


Other critical factors for candidates to weigh include: 

  • Being close to your goal weight – those who are massively overweight will not see the best results with Coolsculpting. Being within 30 pounds of your goal weight can ensure that you see more sculpted results with the procedure.  
  • Leading a healthy lifestyle – those who are already eating healthily and exercising often see the best and lasting results with Coolsculpting. Continuing this lifestyle post-procedure can ensure that you keep fat from returning.  
  • Looking for surgical results – those who want results that include reducing excess skin may not be as satisfied with Coolsculpting. This procedure kills and reduces fat cells but does not usually tighten loose skin, as a tummy tuck can.  


What to expect: 

The applicator will be placed on the treatment area and there will be a slight suction sensation as it adheres to your body, followed by the signature cooling effect. During the procedure you may experience sensations of pulling, tugging, mild pinching, intense cold, tingling, stinging, aching, and cramping at the treatment site. These sensations subside as the area becomes numb. Following the procedure, typical side effects include temporary redness, swelling, blanching, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging, tenderness, cramping, aching, itching or skin sensitivity, and sensation of fullness in the back of the throat after submental or submandibular treatment. After the applicator is detached, your provider will do a brief massage on the area to break up the treated fat cells and enhance the fat reduction.  


The ugly truth is, we all have stubborn fat as we age, gravity and genetics only make things worse. Proper diet and exercise are not enough to keep these unwanted bulges at bay. Coolsculpting is the solution for getting back the body you want, without surgery or downtime. 

** Offer good till December 31, 2021.** 


Call 850-309-0356 or text 850-629-0345 or visit us at Healthy Solutions Medical Weight Loss for a complimentary consultation to find out if Coolsculpting is right for you!